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Commercial Pricing

Agency Name: Commercial Sector

Jan 1, 2024 - Present

Contract Overview:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Procentrix​ offers services and solutions to broad range of commercial sector customers.

Contract Type:

T&M basis

Points of Contact:

Eric Moe, Phone (571) 470-4755, Fax (703) 635-2629

Labor Category​​​​ ​​Hour​ly Rate​​

​​Sr. Product Specialist ​$ 354.23
​Product Specialist
​$ 295.1​9
Sr. Subject Matter Expert ​ ​$ 289.12
​Subject Matter Expert $ 215.91 ​
Sr. Solution Architect​ ​$ 236.15
​Solution Architect $ 196.79​
​Solution Developer IV
​$ 181.54
​Solution Developer III $ 161.37 ​
Solution Developer II ​
​$ 137.75
Solution Developer I​
$ 121.03 ​
​Sr. Program Manager ​$ 236.15
​Program Manager
​$ 194.41
Solution Integrator / Analyst IV​ ​$ 145.47
​Solution Integrator / Analyst III ​$ 128.63
Solution Integrator / Analyst II​ $ 116.93​
​Solution Integrator / Analyst I $ 102.67​
​Business Analyst IV
​$ 181.54
Business Analyst III​ $ 154.64​
Business Analyst II​ $ 134.48​
​Business Analyst I $ 116.93
​Program Support Specialist $ 91.55​
Program Design Specialist​
​$ 107.58
​Graphics Support Specialist ​$ 81.86
​Senior Grap​hics Support Specialist
​$ 116.93
​Senior Cloud Platform Specialist​
​$ 196.79
​Senior Cloud Solution Architect
​$ 242.05
​Cloud Solutions Developer IV
​$ 181.54
​Cloud Solutions Developer III
​$ 161.37
​Cloud Solutions Developer II
​$ 141.19
​Cloud Engineer IV
​$ 161.37
​Cloud Engineer III
​$ 145.47
​Senior Cloud Subject Matter Expert
​$ 345.59
​Cloud Program Manager
​$ 194.41
​Cloud Business Analyst IV
​$ 181.47
Cloud Business Analyst III
​$ 154.64
Cloud Business Analyst II
​$ 134.48
​Cloud Program Support Specialist
$ 107.58



ProLink Commercial Price:

- Level 1: $04.00 per named user per month for 1 – 999 users.
- Level 2: $02.50 per additional named user per month for 1,000 – 1,999 users.
- Level 3: $01.50 per additional named user per month for 2,000 or more users.
- One time charge of $1,000.00 per Licensee software application.


ProCase Commercial Price:​

- $40.00 per named user per month.
- One time charge of $50,000.00 ProCase with ProLink Solution Framework installation.


ProSignIn Commercial Price:

- $10,000.00 for unlimited visitors​ for one location.


Virtual Office Commercial Price:

- Level 1: $00.00 per named user per month for 1 – 30 users (included in One time charge).
- Level 2: $20.00 per a​ddi​​​tional named user per month for 31 – 100 users.
- Level 3: $10.00 per additional named user per month for 101 - 500 users.
- Level 4: $05.00 per additional named user per month for 501 - 1000 users.
- Level 5: $02.50 per additional nam​ed user per month​ 1001 or more users.​
- One time chare of $15,000.00 per SharePoint Instance 

Note: Commercial software sold only in conjunction with a Professional Service engagement. Discounts may be offered depending on the nature and size of engagement.​


 Our Services



Cloud Enablement EnablementserviceItem01
IT Operations OperationsserviceItem01
Custom Software SoftwareserviceItem01
Data and Analytics and AnalyticsserviceItem01
Customer Experience ExperienceserviceItem01
Artificial Intelligence IntelligenceserviceItem01