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Microsoft Azure

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Application Development Master List/DispForm.aspx?ID=57Application Development<div>Are you planning to build a new application? Looking for an on-demand scaling for your apps? Procentrix provides professional services to build and integrate mission apps using Azure services, such as App Services (Web, Mobile, Logic and API apps), SQL Database, Document DB, BizTalk, Service Bus, and Azure IoT products.</div>iconItem0
Azure DevOps Master List/DispForm.aspx?ID=58Azure DevOps<div>Are you interested in modernizing your application development lifecycle? Our Azure experts can help you implement DevOps tools such as Team Services, Continues Testing Frameworks (xUnit, Junit, Selenium, Jasmin, Mocha), and Release Automation (Jenkins, CruiseControl, PowerShell).</div>iconItem0
Azure Migration Master List/DispForm.aspx?ID=60Azure Migration<div>Interested in taking advantage of enterprise-quality cloud technology that brings greater flexibility, reduced costs, and better reliability when compared to traditional infrastructure? Procentrix Azure experts can assist you with establishing a robust hybrid Azure Compute, Storage, ExpressRoute, Virtual Network, VPN Gateway, Backup, and Site Recovery to enable your migration and hybrid requirements.</div>iconItem0
Big Data & Analytics Master List/DispForm.aspx?ID=112Big Data & Analytics<div>Make better decisions by analyzing massive amounts of data in real time. Get the insight you need to deliver intelligent actions that improve business processes. Procentrix assists customers with massive amounts of data in configuring Azure-based Big Data solutions using the cloud Hadoop, Spark, R Server, HBase, and Storm clusters.</div>iconItem0

 Related Technologies



Power Platform Platform
Amazon Web Services Web Services
Dynamics 365 365
Office 365 365
Project Server Server
.NET Framework Framework

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 Customer Experience



American Battle Monuments Commission Battle Monuments CommissionCreated an Intranet solution to streamline communciation and automate business processes in 13 countries and 25 different cemetery locations around the globe. The solution is built in Office 365 (SharePoint Online, Yammer and OneDrive). caseStudyItem0
Civilian Agency AgencyImplemented a Correspondence Management System used by over 35,000 employees nationwide. Built on our Mercury framework and running in Office365, the solution automates creation, review and signature of agency-wide correspondences.caseStudyItem0
Federal Law Enforcement Agency Law Enforcement AgencyBuilt a public facing, secured portal solution on the Azure platform that integrates with Model-driven Power Apps to enable a secure data exchange mechanism between a federal law enforcement agency and attorneys in the public domain.  caseStudyItem0