Skip Navigation LinksJV-​​​GSA-MAS


Agency Name: General Services Administration (GSA)

December 19, 2023 – December 20,2028

Contract Overview:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) created one approved contractor database through which all government agencies can purchase g​​​oods and services through pre-approved, audited vendors. The pre-approval process guarantees the government purchaser predictable pricing and quality deliverables from reputable contractors. The GSA MAS is the largest and most widely used federal government purchasing vehicle. It is an IDIQ Multiple Award Schedule through which government purchasers can have acces​s to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create electronic delivery orders. Online ordering and shopping are available through GSA Advantage. Please see Procentrix's GSA Catalog to learn more about the se​​rvices we offer, associated pricing, terms and conditions. Download

Contract Type:

Contracts or BPAs can be awarded on a FFP or T&M basis.

Points of Contact:

Ryan Barker, Phone (571) 526-0307